The Day After the organization launched a workshop, focusing on Advocacy & campaigning in Azaz city in Aleppo. The workshop targeted 16 female and male trainees from (Amad Team) and (a Nation fingerprint team), which are local volunteering teams working on advocating social issues, community cohesion and, civil projects. 

Side of the workshop

Over three days, the trainees were able to address one of the social issues and design an advocacy campaign following the methodical steps, as assigning the cause, define the target and how to achieve it. The importance of this workshop as Maha Afadli, the manager of TDA office explains “it’s the first of its kind as it’s targeting youth teams, also it’s aiming to build the capacity of the participants and prepare them to be able to design advocacy campaigns and advocating the social issues in their local communities. The workshop included the main points of designing advocacy campaigns and explaining the used tools and strategies in advocacy”

Side of the workshop

The Day After (TDA) is an independent, Syrian-led civil society organization working on supporting a democratic transition, justice, and sustainable peace in Syria. TDA believes in universal human rights and equal citizenship for all Syrians. 

In August 2012, TDA developed a comprehensive report on managing the challenges of a post-Assad transition in Syria. The initial Day After Project brought together a group of Syrians representing a large spectrum of both the Syrian opposition and civil society

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