Glimpse Magazine

A Glimpse into the Syrian Civil Society

Glimpse is an electronic magazine produced by Kesh Malek Organization and covers the civil society news and activities in Syria and the Syrian civil society abroad.

In-depth Stories


August 20, 2022

Syrian Children Are Deprived of their Citizenship

Noura speaks about her family, they live in one of the orphanages in the south of Turkey; “I have three children, the youngest one is 4 years old and they…
August 20, 2022

Has the Caesar Act against the Syrian regime been an effective tool and met its objective?

The Caesar Act of sanctions against the Syrian regime and its allies in Syria is the most effective and influential US-international step towards pressing for a political solution to the…
August 20, 2022

Do Syrian Displaced Suffer from Discrimination in Northern Syria?

“You are a displaced”, This is not a new label that displaced person hear. Wherever they go, they all know it. This label has been told to the people of…
